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What are some of the problems with the tank engineering drag chain


At present, the tank engineering drag chain is the main product that my country's machine tool industry relies on, and many machinery and equipment need to use the tank engineering drag chain. However, there are many Heavy Duty Drag Link problems with the lack of tank engineering drag chains. The quality of different tank engineering drag chains is uneven. This is likely to cause customers to encounter many difficulties when choosing drag chains. Today, Jiangsu Jinfulong will explain tank engineering for everyone. Some problems with drag chains:

Question 1: The problem of the material of the tank engineering drag chain; generally, high-quality nylon should be selected, but some choose polypropylene in pursuit of low prices, but polypropylene itself is relatively brittle. This kind of tank engineering drag chain manufacturers use it when they use it. It is easy to break apart, which is a common reason. In this situation, it is recommended that customers choose to use nylon drag chains, after all, it is cheap or not good.

Question 2: Climate factors lead to the break of the tank engineering drag chain; climate generally refers to low temperature weather. We have already explained the reasons why nylon drag chains are easy to break. You can read the previous technical articles.

Problem three: copying is too large, leading to breakage; the use of any product requires a range, so as a tank engineering drag chain itself, there is also a range. When the last range is exceeded, the load is high, and it tells the long-term use of the operation Under overload, it is easy to break. In this case, it is recommended to use a steel drag chain with a larger load to replace the use of the tank engineering drag chain.